
Doctors visits
Doctors visits

doctors visits doctors visits

Referrals and resources: If required, your healthcare provider will provide a referral to other healthcare specialists.This can include prescription medication, over-the-counter medication, vitamins, supplements, and herbal or traditional medication. Medication review: Your healthcare provider may review your medication and adjust it, if required.This may involve blood work, imaging scans, or other screening tests. Screenings: Your healthcare provider may recommend that you get screened for certain health conditions such as depression, cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, or liver conditions.This may include nutrition counseling, an exercise plan, flu shot and vaccination recommendations, and fall prevention strategies, among other things. Health advice: Your healthcare provider may advise you on steps you can take to improve your health, control risk factors, and prevent disease and disability.Health risk assessment: Based on this information, your healthcare provider will evaluate your health, and determine whether you are at an increased risk for any health conditions.Lifestyle factors: Your healthcare provider may ask you questions about your nutrition, fitness, daily habits, work, stress levels, and consumption of substances such as tobacco, nicotine, alcohol, and drugs.Functional assessment: Your healthcare provider may assess your hearing, your vision, your ability to perform day-to-day tasks, your risk of falling, and the safety of your home environment.They may also perform a neurological exam, a head and neck exam, an abdominal exam, or a lung exam. Physical assessment: Your healthcare provider may perform a physical examination to check your reflexes.Mental health assessment: Your healthcare provider may also assess your mental health and state of mind, to help screen for conditions such as depression and other mood disorders.Cognitive assessment: Your healthcare provider may assess your ability to think, remember, learn, and concentrate, in order to screen for conditions such as Alzhemer’s disease and dementia.Doing this regularly can help you establish a baseline as well as track any changes in your health. Measurements: Your healthcare provider may measure your height, weight, heart rate, blood pressure, and other vital signs.It can include information about any current or previous diseases, allergies, illnesses, surgeries, accidents, medications, vaccinations, and hospitalizations, as well as the results of any medical tests and examinations. Medical history: You may also be asked questions about your personal medical history.Family history: Your healthcare provider may ask you detailed questions about your family’s medical history, to determine whether you are at an increased risk for certain health conditions that may be passed on genetically.

Doctors visits